Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Somethin's Gotta Give

Every few months I post about trying to lose weight.  Unfortunately, I would like to do it by exercising/riding more and eating what I want because I like to eat.  O.k., I really would like to loose weight by getting full body lipo, but that is not an I guess I should watch what I eat and excercise more.  Sounds easy enough until human nature kicks in...and for me that means craving anything and everything fattening and unhealthy.  I can eat well for a while and drop 3-5 lbs. pretty quickly.  But then, out of nowhere, I have a couple donuts, some fast food, a sundae at Leatherby's, and BOOM! 5 lbs back on.
Case in point: Friends are visiting a few weeks back.  What to do for dinner?  In-N-Out sounds good, so does about BOTH!  Yeah, this one even disgusted me evertime I thought about it...for about two weeks; but then it started sounding good again. I don't thing there is any hope. :(

More meals like this and I will need more than Jenny Craig, I will need a cardiologist!

This is what I had the next night to make up for it...I healthy salad, loaded with cheese, bacon bits and ranch dressing. ;)


  1. Yeah, its a battle for sure. Best of luck.

    Today I did a nice hard 30 mile ride with gears (so I pushed it), then had Chikfila, then a Mello Yello and a Twix. Motherf.......

  2. Damn,no Jimmy Johns in the area...the closest being a couple hours away in Reno. Luckily there is a good sandwich place called "Pickles" that makes a great Turkey/Cranberry sandwich. Yummy! It also does not help having In-n-Out, Taco Bell and Wienerschnitzel all within a mile of my house.
    Sure do miss our long HTFU rides with the guys. Just have not gotten into a groove here yet, but maybe when I actually start working I can get on a regular riding schedule.
